Tuesday, October 14, 2008

The Song Girls

The song girls make songs.
They practice and practice and they can do it on a stage.
They are good at making up songs.
The songs are cool.
All the people in the world like to listen to them.
All the people thinks they are nice.
The song girls names are Flacey, Kacey, Macey
The End
I am letting Josie pick her own ideas to write about and pictures. Trying to give her a little creative freedom. I may decide to change my mind!


Grandma and Grandpa H. said...

Dear Josie,
We would love to hear some of your songs. Come give us a visit and sing to us. We love you!!! XXXXX

Stacy said...

Hi Josie. I really like your poem about the song girls. I read it on your blog, my Mommy read it to me and I really liked it so much, I really want to make a poem too. I can't wait to see you again when we go back to Grandma's. I love you. Bye.-

heavenly bliss said...

Josie, The song girls rock! and so do you. Keep up the good work. Love You Dad

heavenly bliss said...

Josie you are a great writer! I love the story.You are one of the song girls.You sing almost every day! Keep singing! Love, Georgia