AUTHOR: Connie Porter
SETTING: Philadelphia
MAIN CHARACTERS: Addy,Momma,Sarah Moore, Harriet Davis,and Mrs.Ford
CONFLICT/TROUBLE: Addy really wants to be friends with Harriet, a cool and popular, wealthy girl. But, she wants to still be friends with Sarah. How will she work this out?
MAIN EVENTS: Addy cannot read or write. This is the first time she has gone to school. Harriet is very smart and popular. She invites Addy to be her friend. Addy leaves Sarah, her real friend, and walks home with Harriet and her cool friends. Harriet makes Addy carry all of thier books and calls her a flunky. When they get to Mrs. Frod's shop they quickly take them back. Harriet told Addy the reason she makes Addy carry the books is because it is sort of like passing a test in order to be their friend.
CONCLUSION: Addy reunites with Sarah, and figures out what friendship really is about. Also she beats Harriet in a spelling match.
YOU SHOULD READ THIS BOOK BECAUSE: It teaches you what the real meaning of friendship is. Josie says love is the real meaning of friendship. Jesus says to treat others as you would like to be treated. Georgia says to treat others equally and you shouldn't have any tests to be friends with someone.**have a good day**