The next morning Charlotte told Wilbur what she was making. Wilbur asked if it was a play thing. No way said Charlotte. Then Wilbur asked if there was eggs in it. Charlotte said yes. It was her Egg Sac. Charlotte said there was five hundred and fourteen. Wilbur was amazed! Charlotte called it her magnum opus. Charlotte said it was made of the toughest material she had. It also was water proof. Wilbur asked if Charlotte was really going to have five hundred and 14 eggs and she said yes if nothing happened. “They won’t hatch until next spring” said Charlotte. Wilbur noticed that Charlotte’s voice sounded sad. Wilbur asked Charlotte why are you so down-hearted? She said she was sad because she wasn’t ever going to see her children. Wilbur didn’t understand he thought having all those babies would be wonderful to have around next spring.
At the fair the other pig had an award taped on his pen. They were all really sad. But then the speakers said “Special announcement!” It was that Wilbur got an award and he passed out. Mr. Zuckerman told Lurvy to get a pail of water. Everyone was trying to wake him up and he finally did when Templeton bit his tail. It made me feel happy that Wilbur got an award because he must have felt very proud.
I wonder what will happen when all of those eggs hatch?WOW that's a lot of babies!!!!
Good writing Georgia! I love reading your blog. Josie- I'm still waiting for your poem!
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