Neptune was named after the mythical Roman God of the seas.
How far is Neptune from the sun?
Neptune is 2,795,084,800 miles from the sun.
What is Neptune's diameter?
Neptune is 30,775 miles in diameter.
What is the temperature on Neptune?
The average temperature on Neptune is -353 degrees F.
How many moons does Neptune have?
Neptune has 13 known moons 8 are named:Naiad,Thalassa,Despina,Galatea,Larissa,Proteus,Triton,andNereid.
How long is a year on Neptune?
A year is 60,190 Earth days.
How long is a day?
A day is 16 hours and 7 minutes.
What are some important facts about Neptune?
Neptune has a Great dark spot discoverd in 1989.In 1994 the Hubble space Telescope discoverd it dissapered.Neptune has three rings.
What is the composition of Neptune?
Neptune is another gas planet made mostly of hydrogen and helium.
What is the air like on Neptune?
The outer layer is about 80% hydrogen and 19 percent helium with a little of methane, ammonia and water ice. The next layer is a super heated liquid of water, ammonia, and methane, mostly. The core is mostly made of iron and nickel.
How much do I weigh on Neptune?
I would weigh more on Neptune than on earth. I would weigh 66, Josie 49, Emmy 27 and Margie 13.
1 comment:
I think the color of neptune is my favorite color of blue. The weights are very interesting! I hope to have Sarah update her blog soon.. it's been so long! She is so busy lately with end of year stuff. It seems we can never get to bed on time and still we have more to do!
We're thinking of you!! Thanks for sharing all that you learn girls!
Jenny P.
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